Art and Culture Community Enfield History Palmers Green Spooky stories

More about the Broomfield House find

Ralph Hutchings has now made a short video about the Broomfield House witch bottle finds. Though it happened over 30 years ago, other recent discoveries in the Town Hall have led Ralph to come forward to talk about the day he visited Broomfield House after the fire to help in the conservation work to save the Lanscroon murals


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2 replies on “More about the Broomfield House find”

There were items from one of my ancestors cottage , which they pulled down when they built the underground. There was part of a tree, carved with the Kings head. It used to be in the entrance hall. There was also a picture of my ancestor standing at the cottage gate.
Many hours spent in Broomfield Park. There was a tea shop at the back of Broomfield House.
Lived in Palmers Green from age of two in 1937 until 1954.

I was born in Palmers Green in 1927 and left in 1953….spent many hours playing in Broomfield Park and having ice cream in Broomfield Park House. I also played the piano for the troops who were billeted in the House during the War. Happy memories.

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