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A tale or two of Palmers Green

Palmers_green_tales2There’s a rare chance to see some old Palmers Green footage this evening at the quarterly meeting of the Fox Lane and District Residents Association.

Jenny Bourke from the Palmers Green Tales oral history project team  will be showing some films of old Palmers Green and explaining more about the project, which aims to capture the memories of local people.

The evening will begin with normal FLDRA business at 7.45pm in Burford Church Hall (entrance in Burford Gardens). If you are not a member of FLDRA and care about your local area, why not pop in and join?

2 replies on “A tale or two of Palmers Green”

I’d like to draw you attention to Poetry in Palmers Green, an event next Saturday at the
Church Hall next to St. John’s Vicarage, and opposite the car-wash, in Bourne Hill, N13. Fanntastic readers, and an open mic.Please come and enjoy. 7 pm, 12th April, 2014. Refreshments.

Hello, am interested in your group and while I can’t come tonight, I would like further details.
I’m particularly interested in Stevie Smith, the nationally and internationally known poet, and am surprised by how few people from Palmers Green know about her and her life in this area of London.
Katherine Gallagher

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