Community Palmers Green Southgate

Who is he?

Unnamed photo, inscribed Palmers Green
Unnamed photo, inscribed Palmers Green

Does anyone recognise this smiling local dignitary?

Jane Lloyd contacted us recently in the hope that someone in the area can provide  information on the portrait, which she found in one of her family albums.

His name may have been Gibbs or Hole and it seems possible that he was a mayor or councillor of Southgate between the wars.  Says Jane, it says Palmers Green on the back of the photo (and Camera Craft PG on the front) but there is no further information, and she is not aware of any particular family connection with the area. Unless you know differently….

2 replies on “Who is he?”

Dear Suzanne – I’m pretty sure, from memory,that the “smiling local dignitary” was His Worship the Mayor, County Councillor A. E. Lauder, who was Mayor when I was a schoolboy, at least in 1945: he is mentioned in the Southgate County School Magazine No.42, April 1946, as having made a presentation to Mr Everard, the Headmster, on his retirement at Easter 1945.
Cheers – and keep up the goood work! – David

Hi David, thanks for your brilliant answer. Jane was delighted and sends her good wishes – now she needs to work out why her family has a picture of him in their family album!

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