Community Planning and open spaces

Not in my back yard says Pinkham Way bidder

The campaign against the waste incinerator at Pinkham Way has an unlikely new supporter. Sort of.

According to the latest communications from the Pinkham Way Alliance, a senior executive director of Veolia, one of the leading bidders for the contract, is reported to have remarked at a recent industry event, “I don’t think I’d want a waste facility near my home.” Apparently there is money to be made from putting one near ours though, eh?

This week, the Alliance published a new leaflet. If you are concerned about the plans for Pinkham Way, they ask you pass it on widely and “help us prevent what even the industry’s own leadership don’t want”.

PW Binbag leaflet for email

  • If you would like to assist the Alliance with their campaign, we have loaded posted this article onto the Facebook page so that you can share it easily. 


One reply on “Not in my back yard says Pinkham Way bidder”

The remark regarding the location of waste facilities was taken out of context – Veolia understands the concerns of residents near any potential waste facility and believes everybody’s got to have their say and be listened to before planning decisions are reached.

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