
Palmers Green springs to life

Now that the sun has arrived, there are a flurry of events coming up in Palmers Green in the next few days. Time to get out and about.

Car Boot Sale flyerIf you are thinking of a spring clean and therapeutic de-junk, there are still one or two pitches left at Hazelwood School’s car boot sale on Sunday – or just go along for a chance to have a leisurely chat with your neighbours over coffee and cake, and snap up a bargain. Doors open at 9.30 and early birds pay a pound, otherwise entrance is free from 10. Further details re pitches from

The Broomfield Park conservatory is open every Sunday afternoon from 2.30 til 4.30 (as well as Wednesday afternoons) and this weekend there is a chance to hear live music from Marc Harris. You can also see the shortlisted entries from the recent Broomfield Park Photographic Competition, and cast your vote for the picture you think deserves to be the overall winner (if you can’t pop along this weekend, you have time – viewing is until 5 May). There is also a new free weekly Tai Chi session in the park starting next week, designed particularly with older people in mind. The sessions will be held near the bandstand at 11am on a Tuesday – call 020 8379 3762 to register.

We have endlessly sung the praises of the Space Art Gallery in Southgate; it is truly amazing that we have such a wonderful place within walking distance, ready to champion genuinely interesting and challenging art. This month’s exhibition is by John McKie and there are a few more days to see it if you haven’t already been along. Mckie makes his pictures on cardboard, wood or paper, with collage, ink, oil crayons, acrylic paint and pens.  He says of his work

I like contrasts, juxtaposition and silliness, although my pictures are often tinged with seriousness close to the surface. My motivations vary but I suppose current events, mindless celebrity culture, mainstream brainwashing media are influences.

Finally, if you are reading this post today, you might just be able to snap up a ticket to see O Brother Where Art Thou this evening at the Fox. If not, your next chance for a dose of the Coens by virtue of Talkies Community Cinema is only just over a week away – A Serious Man is the first of the First Thursdays series at the Dugdale Centre in Enfield. For details of both, see

John McKie’s ‘large animal…’ (c) John McKie – see his show at the Space Art Gallery


One reply on “Palmers Green springs to life”

I do recommend the Tai Chi sessions, having participated in them for several months now. Sally Golding, who leads them, recently won an Award as “Enfield Sports Coach of the Year”. We had around 45 people there yesterday in the park, And all completely free !

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