Comedy Community Planning and open spaces Shops

Betting shop crisis averted

reporterFrom Guest writer, Palmers Green’s Undercover reporter

Palmers Green residents are breathing a sigh of relief this week at the appearance of a new betting shop at the Triangle.  Previously, Palmers Green’s keen sportsmen had been forced to cross the road at the Triangle to get to the nearest betting shop by the 121 bus stop and there was widespread anxiety that some vistas remained on the main shopping street from which a betting shop was not to be seen.

Local residents recently petitioned the council with complaints about the number of ‘useful’ shops still remaining in Palmers Green.

“Some people were being forced into online betting,” one resident told the Palmers Green undercover reporter. “At the weekend, three Palmers Green residents were seen laying wagers on how many cars would actually stop for pedestrians attempting to cross at the Triangle by HSBC. Its pathetic. Every one knows the odds are against that.”

Rumours that the town hall is to be turned into a mega casino called the Rat Pack have so far not been confirmed.

One reply on “Betting shop crisis averted”

Where we are near Fox Lane we still have to travel almost an entire block to reach the nearest gambling facility. It is, quite literally, hell on earth.

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