
Artist auctions work for Southgate’s Space gallery

bo2Do you want to own something special and unique?

Acclaimed Danish artist, poet and librettist Bo Gorzelak Pedersen is auctioning artwork on eBay this week to help support the work of the Space Art Gallery in Southgate. Space is a not-for-profit collaboration between Fionn Wilson (artist) and Gosia Stasiewicz (photographer) in premises formerly occupied by a bank on Southgate High Street– temporary because the landlords have made the space available while they are looking for a long-term tenant.

If you havent been to Space, you just have time to catch the wonderful exhibition by Ross Ashmore, the artist currently on a mission to paint all of London Underground’s stations before the 150 anniversary celebrations later this year.

Pedersen was one of the first artists to be featured at the gallery following its opening in January and has been a staunch supporter of Space. The gallery is entirely run by volunteers and has an impressive programme running into 2014 which would put many top central London galleries to shame.

To view the artworks up for auction, visit But hurry, its excellent stuff and bidding is ending soon on some items.

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