Community Palmers Green Planning and open spaces

Dangerous times for Pinkham Way

The Pinkham Way Alliance has called for local residents to rally round amid fears that plans to build a giant waste incinerator may be pushed ahead, despite widespread objections from local people.

A recent hearing of the North London Waste Plan (NLWP)  was suspended. We also recently reported on an application to Haringey Council to get part of the Pinkham Way site (formerly Friern Barnet sewage works) registered as a town or village green.

Now is not the time to be complacent, say the Alliance.

“We don’t yet know whether the suspension of the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) hearing will just delay it until autumn, or lead to the plan being thrown out,” said Bidesh Sarkar, Chair of the Alliance in a recent communication to supporters. “However, either of these outcomes signal what is now a very dangerous period for our campaign”.

“There’s now a real risk that the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) will try to push forward the planning application for a massive facility at Pinkham Way regardless of the waste plan. If this happens, it is likely to be soon.”

The NLWA owns the Pinkham Way site, and has been forging ahead with a multi-billion pound procurement process for dealing with waste in north London, now at an advanced stage.

“If the procurement is stopped, it’ll be hugely problematic for the authority.”

The Alliance has drawn attention to the importance of the site in terms of biodiversity, as well as the health risks, odour and noise associated with locating the plant in a densely populated area.

Haringey Council has stated that the planning application is ‘on hold’ until after the inspector’s final hearing for the NLWP. The Alliance is seeking to establish that this is the case and is taking legal advice. However, this is costing money and the Alliance is seeking donations

The next fundraising event will be on Sunday 8 July, at St Andrew’s Church on Alexandra Park Road at 4pm when the Galitzin Chamber Ensemble will perform famous works by Strauss and Kodaly and Schubert’s Trout Quintet. The concert will feature pianist Sam Haywood, who was a finalist aged 13 on BBC Young Musician of the Year and has since gone on to an international career. Tickets are £10 and can be booked on the events section of the Pinkham Way Alliance website.

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