
Mob rule in Palmers Green

In 1914 a Suffragette meeting was held at the Triangle, to local indignation. The principle speaker, Mr Goulden, (a brother of Mrs Pankhurst and the husband of Mrs Goulden, the headmistress at Hazelwood School), was rescued from angry residents by police, and escorted home to Radcliffe Road, where protestors proceeded to pelt his house with eggs. Ruby Galili takes up the story on the History Files website:

2 replies on “Mob rule in Palmers Green”

What a fantastic piece of local history Ruby – glad to know we have such an inspiring tradition of social activism to encourage us to campaign to make Palmers Green a better place for us all!

Wow!! Great work Sue, it is with huge respect and admiration, I am reading through your wonderful research. The web looks brilliant. I will loyally read all your update about the wonderful place we all live in.

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